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Saab Global

Supplier information

The following information is provided for our suppliers.





DFARS 252-225: 7009 Restriction on Acquisition of Certain Articles Containing Specialty Metals

Purchased specialty metals and items containing specialty metals shall be in accordance with DFARS 252.225-7009.

DFARS 252.225-7009 (Supplement-Oct 2014)


Government Source Inspection

Government Source Inspection (GSI) is required prior to shipment from the supplier. Upon receipt of this Purchase Order, promptly notify the government representative who normally services your facility to allow for planning GSI.

If a government representative does not normally service the facility, furnish a copy of this Purchase Order to the nearest DCMA representative. In the event the representative or office cannot be located, notify the Saab, Inc. buyer immediately.


Quality Management System - General

The supplier shall maintain a Quality Management System certified to ISO 9001, AS9100, or be approved by a Saab, Inc. Quality representative.


Inspection System

The supplier must maintain an inspection system that is acceptable to Saab, Inc. Quality Assurance


Right of Entry

The supplier’s system shall be subject to random audits and approval by Saab, Inc. Quality Assurance at all reasonable times for all shifts and locations in which articles are produced under this Purchase Order.


Calibration System

Supplier and sub-suppliers must maintain a calibration system compliant to ISO/IEC 17025:2005. Calibraton records must be retained and provided upon request.


Quality Management System - ISO

The supplier shall maintain a Quality Management System certified to ISO 9001.


Quality Management System - AS9100

The supplier shall maintain a Quality Management System certified to AS9100.


Commercial Quality System

The supplier is responsible for performing the necessary inspections and tests to substantiate that the supplies or services furnished under this Purchase Order conform to the catalog/COTS requirements.


Government Quality Assurance

Government contract quality assurance is required at the supplier’s facility. Upon receipt of this Purchase Order (PO), the supplier shall notify the government representative who normally services the plant so that appropriate planning for government quality assurance can be accomplished. Upon receipt of this PO, promptly furnish a copy to the government representative who normally services the facility, or, if none, to the nearest Defense Contract Management Agency office (DCMA). In the event the representative or office cannot be located, notify the Saab, Inc. buyer immediately.


Certification of Calibration

A Certificate of Calibration from an ISO17025 or ANSI/NCSL Z540-1 accredited institution traceable to NIST shall be furnished with the shipment for each item.


Certificate of Conformance (C of C)

Parts supplied to this Purchase Order (PO) shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Conformance. Certificates must include the following:

(1) Saab PO Number, PO Line, Part Number, Revision, Description

(2) Traceability Identifier (Examples include: Serial Number, Date Code, Lot/Batch/Heat Number)

(3) Quantity Shipped

(4) Statement of Work (SOW) document number (if applicable)

(5) Approved Request for Deviation/Waiver document number (if applicable)

(6) Supplier statement of conformance to purchase order and specification/drawing requirements

(7) Date and authorized signature of responsible supplier representative


Certificate of Physical and/or Chemical Analysis

Each shipment shall include certificate(s) of compliance to material physical and/or chemical properties and shall reference physical properties and/or chemical composition, lot/batch number, list the parameters tested, and the results obtained. Certificate(s) shall be signed by the responsible supplier representative.


Special Process (Non-NADCAP) Certification

Each shipment shall include certificate(s) of conformance for special processes (e.g., welding, brazing, plating, and painting) identifying the process, part number, revision, purchase order number, process specification number, identification of process method used, acceptance criteria, and evidence of acceptance. Certifications must reflect applicable document revisions. When parts are serialized, the serial numbers shall appear on the certification(s). Certificate(s) shall be signed by the responsible supplier representative.

Reference Table 2 for comprehensive list of Special Processes.


NADCAP Special Process Certification

Only Special Process suppliers approved by NADCAP (National Aerospace and Defense Contractors Accreditation Program) shall be used. Each shipment shall include, certification(s) identifying the process, part number, revision, purchase order number, process specification number, identification of process method used, acceptance criteria, and evidence of acceptance. Certifications must reflect applicable document revisions. When parts are serialized, the serial numbers shall appear on the certification(s). Certificate(s) shall be signed by the responsible supplier representative.


Raw Materials Traceability

All items manufactured under this Purchase Order shall be traceable to the raw materials used. Supplier traceability records shall be made available upon request.


Shelf Life

Shelf-life requirements including date of manufacture and useable life shall be marked on each container. Product supplied to Saab, Inc. shall have a minimum of 75% useful shelf life.


Counterfeit Parts Avoidance

Compliance to DFARs 252.246-7007 “Contractor Counterfeit Electronics Part Detection and Avoidance System", AS5553 "Counterfeit Electronic Parts; Avoidance, Detection, Mitigation, and Disposition", and AS6174 "Counterfeit Materiel; Assuring Acquisition of Authentic and Conforming Materiel" is required. Components and hardware parts shall be procured only through Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) / Original Component Manufacturers (OCMs) or their franchised dealer or distributors.

(1) The Supplier shall verify the procurement source and associated certifying paperwork.

(2) Appropriate incoming inspection test methods shall be used to detect potential counterfeit parts and materials.


Part Obsolescence

(1) On a best effort basis, the supplier agrees to perform an obsolescence analysis upon acceptance of the Saab, Inc. Purchase Order

(2) Supplier shall provide End of Life (EOL) notification, within 30 days of discovery, when a component or material is no longer in production by the manufacturer. The purpose is to keep Saab informed of potential component or material obsolescence. The supplier shall provide documentation describing the obsolescence/EOL plan to Saab. This can include a onetime purchase of all EOL type material, the qualification of an alternate supplier/item, or a re-design of the affected assembly.


Dimensional Inspection Data

(1) Supplier shall provide Dimensional Inspection Data with each shipment for goods furnished under this contract showing conformance with drawing and other contract requirements. Data shall consist of records of actual readings taken during in-process and/or final inspection of each part, with the dimension and its tolerance noted. No out-of-tolerance measurements shall be accepted unless a Saab Supplier Deviation Waiver was processed and accepted by Saab, Inc. Quality Assurance

(2) Supplier shall identify the contract number, part number, revision number, and when applicable, serial number on each inspection data sheet. Each inspection data sheet shall be signed and dated by the Management Representative responsible for Seller's inspection activity.


First Article Inspection - AS9102

For Initial Deliveries:

The supplier, in accordance with the latest revision of SAE AS9102, shall conduct a First Article Inspection (FAI).  A ballooned drawing identifying each characteristic accompanying form 3 is required.  A copy of the FAI shall be included with each shipment.

For Subsequent Deliveries:

Delta/Partial FAIs to be performed as required by the latest revision of SAE AS9102. 

If no Delta/Partial FAI nor new FAI is required per AS9102, please include the previously signed AS9102 Form 1 with the shipment. 


First Article Inspection - Commercial

A detailed inspection report containing a record of the actual readings on 100% of all characteristics and notes contained on the drawings must be submitted with the first production lot. The item inspected must be individually bagged/tagged/identified.

If a current FAI has been previously provided to Saab, please provide previously approved FAI.


Printed Circuit Board/Assembly (PCB/PCBA), Class 2 Workmanship/Acceptability Requirement

The following acceptability criteria shall apply:

(1) Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) "unpopulated," shall be in accordance with IPC-A-600, Class 2

(2) Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) "populated", shall be in accordance with IPC-A-610, Class 2

(3) Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies shall be in accordance with ANSI J-STD-001, Class 2


Printed Circuit Board/Assembly (PCB/PCBA), Class 3 Workmanship/Acceptability Requirement

The following acceptability criteria shall apply:

(1) Printed Circuit Boards (PCB) "unpopulated," shall be in accordance with IPC-A-600, Class 3

(2) Printed Circuit Board Assembly (PCBA) "populated", shall be in accordance with IPC-A-610, Class 3

(3) Requirements for Soldered Electrical and Electronic Assemblies shall be in accordance with ANSI J-STD-001, Class 3


Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies, Class 2 Workmanship/Acceptability Requirement

The following acceptability criteria shall apply:

(1) Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies shall be in accordance with IPC/WHMA-A-620, Class 2


Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies, Class 3 Workmanship/Acceptability Requirement

The following acceptability criteria shall apply:

(1) Cable and Wire Harness Assemblies shall be in accordance with IPC/WHMA-A-620, Class 3


Saab Source Inspection

Source inspection will be either in-person at the manufacturer's facility or completed remotely/virtually at the discretion of Saab, Inc. and determined prior to shipment of product.  Supplier must notify Buyer at least 10 calendar days in advance of shipment. Supplier to submit Source Inspection Request (SF-0039) form in native format (no scans) to Buyer with all required documentation. Final Acceptance shall be made at Saab, Inc.


Hazard Materials/Safety Data Sheets (SDS)

Prior to shipment to Saab, the supplier shall provide appropriate Safety Data Sheet(s) [SDS] in Global Harmonized System [GHS] format. Additionally, items containing hazardous material(s) listed in Appendix A of FED-STD-313 shall be appropriately labeled.

FED-STD-313 (Assist Quick Search)


Electrostatic Discharge Sensitive (ESD)

Components on this Purchase Order are susceptible to damage caused by static electricity and are considered electrostatic discharge sensitive (ESDS). The supplier shall implement an ESD control program in accordance with ANSI/ESD S20.20 or equivalent. Component packaging shall be either conductive or static dissipative and shall identify the components as ESDS.


Identification, Preservation, Packaging/Packing and Foreign Object Debris (FOD)

Shipments to Saab, Inc. must be packaged to avoid damage and deterioration and must be shipped to the address specified on the Purchase Order (PO). Packaging shall be in accordance with good commercial practices (Ref: ASTM D3951) unless otherwise specified. The use of foam “peanuts” is discouraged. PWBs shall be individually wrapped to prevent damage during shipment. Each box or container, and packing slip, shall be labeled and have, at a minimum, the following information:

(1) Part number and revision

(2) PO number and line Item

(3) Quantity

(4) Manufacturer’s identification

All components and assemblies (ie. CCAs) that are moisture sensitive or contain moisture sensitive parts shall be packaged and sealed per IPC-J-STD-033. 

All connectors (including fiber optic) are to be fitted with clean ESD protective caps. If no commercial cap is available for the connector, consult Saab, Inc.

The Supplier shall assure that devices, components, and materials delivered under this contract are free of Foreign Object Debris (FOD), and shall employ prevention practices to keep FOD, large or small, from the product and packaging.


MRB Authority and Supplier Deviation/Waiver Request

The supplier does not have Material Review Board (MRB) authority to accept or repair non-conforming product. Nonconformances on final deliverable product to the purchase order, drawing, specifications, or applicable documents must be submitted to Saab on a Supplier Request for Waiver form (SF-0215) through the Saab Buyer for Quality Engineering approval prior to shipment.


MRB Authority

Unless otherwise specified on this Purchase Order (PO), Material Review Board (MRB) authority is not delegated to the supplier. All decisions to repair or use-as-is, and all standard repair procedures utilized by the supplier in performance of this PO require approval prior to performance.


Serialization of Sensor Systems Assemblies

The supplier shall assign serial numbers to each delivered Purchase Order item. Serial numbers shall be marked for each item in a legible, permanent fashion. Serial Numbers shall not be duplicated and shall provide an audit trail to material, fabrication, assembly, inspection, test, and certification documents.


Test Reports

Functional and/or qualification test results listing test procedure used, each parameter tested, and actual readings taken during these tests are required with the delivery of the material covered by this Purchase Order. These reports shall include the following information:

(1) Part Number

(2) Part Revision

(3) Traceability Identification (Examples include Serial Number, Date Code, Lot/Batch/Heat Number).

The test data shall be maintained by the supplier for a minimum of 10 years, unless otherwise specified.


Fiber Optic Inspection - IPC

Fiber optic connectors shall be inspected per IPC-A-640 at 200x to 400x magnification, after final assembly and acceptance testing, before shipment. Fiber optic connectors shall be cleaned per IPC-8497-1, such that contaminants that are removable are cleaned from the end face.Clean ESD protective caps shall then be applied.  Traceable digital inspection images for each connector on each unit of finished product at no less than 200x magnification shall be provided to Saab, Inc.


Fiber Optic Inspection - IEC

Fiber optic connectors shall be inspected per the latest revision of IEC 61300-3-35 at 200x to 400x magnification, after final assembly and acceptance testing, before shipment. Fiber optic connectors shall be cleaned per the latest revision of IEC 61300-3-35 Annex D/latest revision of IEC TR 62627-01 Section 9, such that contaminants that are removable are cleaned from the end face. ESD protective caps shall then be applied per the latest revision of IEC TR 62627-01, Section 6. Traceable digital inspection images for each connector on each unit of finished product at no less than 200x magnification shall be provided to Saab, Inc.


Prohibited Materials

Items on this purchase order shall conform to RoHS Directive 2011/65/EC.


Failure Analysis Reports

Supplier shall provide a failure analysis report identifying the failure mode and potential root causes. These reports shall include the following information:

(1) Part Number

(2) Part Revision

(3) Traceability Identification (Examples include Serial Number, Date Code, Lot/Batch/Heat Number).


Customer Problem Report Purchase Orders

Repairs are defined as: Reprocessing of non-conforming product that restores functional conformance only and fails to restore the product to the original product configuration as detailed in the applicable drawings and specifications.

All repairs utilized by the supplier in performance of this Purchase Order require Saab, Inc. approval prior to performance.


Unique Identification (UID) Label

Supplier to provide a verification report showing that each UID data matrix meets the minimum quality grade per ISO/IEC 15415, as outlined in MIL-STD-130. This report shall be provided with each shipment, and needs to be traceable to each part number and serial number included in the delivery.


As-Built Configuration List (ABCL)

The supplier shall provide an As-Built Configuration List (ABCL) for the Lowest Replaceable Units (LRUs) containing the following information:


a.       Nomenclature

b.       Part Number and Revision

c.       Serial Number 

d.       Lot Number (if applicable)

e.       Manufacture Date on subsystem level

f.        Next Higher Assembly and Serial Number

g.       Indenture Level

h.       SAAB, INC. - approved Engineering Change Proposals (ECPs)

i.         Software part number and revision as applicable

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